This Wasn’t Where You Thought You Were Going.

How did you end up here?

Therapy in Davison, Michigan

Call Me Today!

This is not where you thought you’d be.

You were supposed to be on the road to happiness and satisfaction with your life, but instead you’re here. Anxious, depressed, and spending too much time trying to keep it together, so nobody realizes just how miserable you feel.

Somehow, you ended up on the wrong path, and now you’re lost in the forest.

Carrying so much weight on your

And where did this stupidly heavy backpack full of feelings come from, and why do you have to carry it everywhere you go?

It’s hard to jump over rocks or pull yourself out of a hole when you’re carrying something that heavy. If you don’t put it down, it’s going to tip you over like a turtle one of these days. But taking it off feels impossible.

Let me help you find your way.

You’ve tried hard, but you can’t get back to the path on your own. You keep hitting obstacles. You know there’s got to be a way past them, but you have no idea what it is.

You need a guide for the trail.

The quickest way back to the path isn’t another self-help book, pretending you meant to be here, or trying harder not to be lost. It’s finding a trustworthy person to help.

You need someone who doesn’t live in your head to offer a new perspective. A friendly park ranger who’ll hand you a granola bar, a map, and point you to the trailhead.

A therapist is a guide for the emotional forest where you are stuck.

I can help you find your way back to a better path. I’ll share the maps and give you a birds-eye view, and I’ll bring the granola bars if you bring your hiking shoes.

And you’ll finally be able to take off your backpack.

Call me today at (810) 214-0389 to start the journey.

Call Me Today!

Hi, I’m Kim.

I believe my role as a counselor is to help you get back on your own unique path, to work with you to find routes around or through your obstacles, and to help you leave behind the things that are slowing you down.

My counseling practice is a safe space. I welcome people across the spectrum of belief, sexuality, gender, and viewpoints. I’m easy to talk to and hard to shock – and have no interest in judging you. I’m just here to help you find your way to your best path.

I don’t claim to have the absolute road map for your life – none of us get those – but I can help you start to pencil out a path that works for you!

Are you ready to start feeling less lost and more on track? Contact
me today at (810) 214-0389 to start your healing journey.

More about Me Call Me Today!